Health and Fitness

From aerobics and belly dancing to Pilates and Zumba, we offer dozens of fun courses to get you moving.

How to Register

  • Register online by selecting "Add to Cart" on the desired course(s) and select "Cart" at the bottom of the page when you are ready to checkout.
    • The “Seats Left” information is updated every half hour and when you checkout.
  • Other registration options are available.

Don’t see the course you are looking for below? Sign up to get updates and news about upcoming classes.


Barre Fusion

Barre Fusion combines the muscular conditioning of fitness, the lengthening/strengthening of ballet, and the core stabilization of Pilates-inspired mat work. This full-body workout for participants of all levels incorporates barre work, standing work, and floor work using light weights, resistance bands and tubes. Please bring a set of two- to five-pound hand weights, a yoga mat, and a towel. The rest of the props will be provided. Comfortable fitness attire and ballet slippers or yoga socks are recommended.

Course does not meet on 3/5, 3/19 & 4/16

Course will be held in Brahan Hall, Room 114

Emma Castoria of Total Body Trifecta, Instructor

Barre Fusion
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Wednesdays, 2/12 - 4/30
6:15 pm - 7:00 pm
ZREC-129 601 0 seats left $85Section Full

Call to be added to wait list

Barre: Strength and Flex

Barre: Strength & Flex combines the core conditioning associated with Pilates with the flexibility improvements that occur with yoga, plus stability and strength exercises associated with ballet and fitness. This workout incorporates floor work, barre work and standing body weight exercises with the use of light weights, resistance bands and the barre. No previous experience is needed, just bring a set of 2- to 5-pound hand weights, a yoga mat and a towel, and wear comfortable fitness clothes. This workout is traditionally done barefoot, but you may choose to wear split sole sneakers or ballet shoes

Course does nor meet on 3/17.

Course will be held in Brahan Hall, Room 114

Ellen Ehrlich of Total Body Trifecta, Instructor

Barre: Strength and Flex
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Mondays, 2/10 - 4/14
7:00 pm - 7:45 pm
ZREC-081 601 0 seats left $85Section Full

Call to be added to wait list

Body Conditioning

This is a beginner- to moderate-level class designed to strengthen your body, increase endurance and help you de-stress. The class begins with flexibility exercises, followed by a full-body workout to strengthen arms and legs, tighten core muscles and improve cardiovascular endurance. Each class ends with a relaxation sequence that will leave you feeling refreshed and refocused. Modifications are given to participants who have physical challenges that prohibit them from performing certain exercises. You will need an exercise mat, a set of 3- to 5-pound dumbbells and water bottle. NENY members, contact the instructor at to find out how you can use your wellness benefit for the cost of classes. 

Course does not meet on 3/17 & 4/21

This is a remote course via Zoom. 

Leigh Anne Rockower, Instructor

Body Conditioning
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Mondays, 2/10 - 4/28
5:00 pm - 5:45 pm
ZREC-078 600 0 seats left $80Section Full

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Exercise Away Urinary Incontinence Without Kegels

If Kegels haven’t worked for you, learn why and what to do about it in this four-class series. You can’t consciously squeeze muscles and resolve incontinence; you must strengthen the muscles that support your bladder. This class will teach you how, fully clothed and upright. Learn from an expert in movement and pelvic floor function who has been helping patients and clients resolve chronic issues for 30 years. You will develop the skills to achieve healthy pelvic floor function for a lifetime! Please bring a red or silver Pelvicore Pro from Choose red if you are sedentary or silver if you are strong and athletic. Yes, athletes can have weak pelvic floors too!

Course does not meet on 4/8 & 4/22

Course will be held in McDonough Sports Complex, Room 192

Eileen Kopsaftis, Instructor

Exercise Away Urinary Incontinence Without Kegels
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Tuesdays, 3/25 - 4/29
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
ZPGE-065 600 10 seats left $149

Four Weeks to Wellness

This four-week course focuses on using food as medicine. The course is taught by Maria Patrick, a certified holistic health coach who specializes in helping people to improve their health by using nutritional recommendations. Each of the four weeks will cover a different health project: week one, diabetes; week two, heart disease; week three, kidney disease; week four, brain health. You will learn how to eat to live healthier, stronger and longer. 

A handout will be emailed to each student after every class.

Course will be held in  Daycare Center, Room B06 

Maria Patrick, Instructor

Four Weeks to Wellness
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Wednesdays, 4/2 - 4/23
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
ZREC-135 600 10 seats left $42

HI-LO Impact Aerobics

This is a combination Hi-Lo impact class designed with both men and women in mind. Each class adheres to the exercise guidelines set forth by the American College of Sports Medicine. The one-hour class includes a complete cardiovascular workout and a stretching and strength training component that will tone muscles and burn fat. Routines are set to contemporary music by the original artists. Energize and have fun. This class is designed for all levels – everyone can be successful! Wear considerable clothing and sneakers.  Bring a mat and water bottle to class.

Course does not meet 2/17, 3/17 & 4/21.

 Course will be held in McDonough Sports Complex, Room 192

Chrissy Sarratori of Abs In Inc., Instructor

HI-LO Impact Aerobics
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Mondays, 2/10 - 5/5
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
ZREC-012 601 0 seats left $80Section Full

Call to be added to wait list

Introduction to Science-Based Fitness

If there was an exercise program that could give you results in just one workout per week, would you be interested in learning about it? If so, you are in luck! Certified Personal Trainer Steve Grogan is offering a course to teach you about Science-Based Fitness, an exercise program unlike anything you’ve seen. Each session is a mixture of a lecture and workout, where you’ll learn how this system can help you lose fat and build muscle at the same time with no warmup or cool down, no stretching routine, and best of all, no need to split your attention between strength training on one day and cardio on another. Students should bring an exercise mat, two five-pound dumbbells, and two 10-pound dumbbells. Two three-pound and two eight-pound dumbbells are also optional.

Course will be held in McDonough Sports Complex, Room 192

Steve Grogan, Instructor 

Introduction to Science-Based Fitness
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Tuesdays, 2/11 - 3/4
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
ZREC-127 600 3 seats left $42

Pilates Mat - Beginner

Pilates is a precise method of exercise that focuses on movements designed to lengthen and strengthen the body. This class will focus on the core, and you will practice the controlled movements designed to stretch and strengthen muscles without adding bulk. Just bring a mat (yoga style “sticky” mat works best) and experience what Pilates can do for your body and mind. This class is designed for the beginner Pilates student with little or no experience.

Course does not meet on 3/17

Course will be held in Brahan  Hall, Room 114

Ellen Ehrlich of Total Body Trifecta, Instructor

Pilates Mat - Beginner
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Mondays, 2/10 - 4/14
5:15 pm - 6:00 pm
ZREC-015 601 0 seats left $85Section Full

Call to be added to wait list

Pilates Mat - Intermediate

This course is a continuation of the Pilates method. It will incorporate the basic and intermediate-level exercises into a more intense style of class. This class level is appropriate for students who have had at least two semesters (one year) of experience practicing Pilates. Just bring a sticky mat and a 14-inch Pilates Magic Circle (ring).

Course does not meet on 3/17

Course will be held in Brahan  Hall, Room 114

Ellen Ehrlich of Total Body Trifecta, Instructor

Pilates Mat - Intermediate
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Mondays, 2/10 - 4/14
6:05 pm - 6:55 pm
ZREC-017 601 0 seats left $85Section Full

Call to be added to wait list

Pilates Mat Mixed Level

The practice of Pilates contains core stabilization exercises based on the six principles of Pilates: breath, concentration, flow, centering, control, and precision. Pilates will leave you lengthened, strengthened, and centered. This mixed-level class will offer variations and modifications to accommodate both beginner and intermediate students with at least one full semester of Pilates mat experience. Bring your own yoga (sticky) mat and a 14-inch Pilates ring. Wear comfortable fitness attire. Bare feet or yoga socks are recommended.

Course will not meet on 2/19, 3/5, 3/19 & 4/16

Course will be held in  Brahan Hall, Room 114

Sarah Hoffman of Total Body Trifecta, Instructor

Pilates Mat Mixed Level
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Wednesdays, 2/12 - 4/30
5:15 pm - 6:00 pm
ZREC-123 601 0 seats left $74Section Full

Call to be added to wait list

Posture Reset

If you’re starting to lean forward or worried about getting a dowager’s hump, this three-class series will teach you how to acquire a healthier upright posture and maybe even get a little taller! Taught by a pain and movement expert with 30 years of experience, this class requires you to be able to get on and off the floor to fully participate and perform all of the techniques. Please dress in loose, comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat, a water bottle, and a MELT soft foam roller, which can be purchased at

Course will be held in McDonough Sports Complex, Room 192

Eileen Kopsaftis, Instructor

Posture Reset
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Tuesdays, 2/18 - 3/4
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
ZPGE-077 600 0 seats left $99Section Full

Call to be added to wait list

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is an ancient healing practice which combines flowing movements, breathing techniques and the use of acupressure points to energize and heal the body. Maria Patrick is a certified Qi Gong instructor who will teach the participants how to unlock their inner power with Qi Gong to uncover the root cause of disease – and transform themselves through movements which will increase their energy, reduce their stress, boost their vitality and promote inner healing. Maria’s Qi Gong classes are suitable for all ages and all fitness levels. Her classes are energizing, uplifting and inspiring! Please bring a yoga mat to class.

Course does not meet on 3/18 & 4/22

Course will be held in Brahan Hall, Room 114

Maria Patrick, Instructor

Qi Gong
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Tuesdays, 2/11 - 4/29
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
ZREC-103 601 0 seats left $86Section Full

Call to be added to wait list

Train Away Pain and Age Without Decline

This is a beginner- to moderate-level class to improve balance, strength, and flexibility. Loss of strength and balance over the aging process is a serious concern due to the risk of falls that ensues. Standing on one leg for 30 seconds will not improve your ability to maintain stability. Balance must be trained in motion, not stillness. Each class focuses on a different area (glutes, abs, knees, etc.), yet works your whole body for strengthening, improved stability, and healthy pain-free function. Modifications are taught to ensure a pain-free workout. Did you know you can strengthen your abs, but you must stabilize your core? You will learn the difference in this class. Please bring an exercise mat and a water bottle.

Course does not meet on 3/20

Course will be held in McDonough Sports Complex, Room 192

Eileen Kopsaftis, Instructor

Train Away Pain and Age Without Decline
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Thursdays, 2/20 - 4/17
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
ZPGE-073 600 6 seats left $125

Yoga I

This course is of value to students of any age, with or without previous experience in yoga. We will focus patiently on classic postures and breathing exercises to bring balance and wellbeing to the body, mind and spirit. With the development of physical flexibility and calmness of mind, we also lay the foundations for a rewarding lifelong practice of yoga. Please bring a mat designed for yoga and wear loose, comfortable clothes.

Monday class will not meet on 3/17 & 4/21

Wednesday class will not meet on 3/5 & 3/19

Thursday class will not meet on 3/20

Course will be held in Brahan Hall, Room 114

Jeanne Wein, Instructor 

Yoga I
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Mondays, 2/10 - 5/5
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
ZPGE-011 604 0 seats left $84Section Full

Call to be added to wait list
Wednesdays, 2/12 - 5/7
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
ZPGE-011 605 0 seats left $84Section Full

Call to be added to wait list
Wednesdays, 2/12 - 5/7
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
ZPGE-011 606 0 seats left $84Section Full

Call to be added to wait list
Thursdays, 2/13 - 5/1
5:45 pm - 6:45 pm
ZPGE-011 607 0 seats left $84Section Full

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This hour-long dance-based fitness class is set to international rhythms. No experience in dance or aerobic classes is required and Zumba is open to all fitness levels. Wear sneakers and light clothes. Bring a water bottle!

Course does not meet on 3/5 & 3/19

Course will be held in McDonough Sports Complex, Room 192

Lori Hallenbeck of Abs In Inc., Instructor

Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Wednesdays, 2/12 - 5/7
5:45 pm - 6:45 pm
ZREC-026 601 0 seats left $88Section Full

Call to be added to wait list

Get in Touch

Division of Workforce Development and Community Education

Fitzgibbons Health Technologies Center, Room 334

Fax: (518) 629-8103

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (excluding college holidays and vacations)